Office Notes
If you have not received your Annual Dues statement, please email[email protected] and let us know so we can get one out to you. Annual Dues for 2018 are $725.00 and payable by March 1, 2018. If you pay your membership by January 1, 2018 you will receive a $30.00 discount. You may pay your membership via PayPal CLICK HERE. If you prefer to pay by check please mail your payment to Windyrush 6441 Windyrush Road 28226.
If you are not renewing your membership, please contact Phyllis Smith at [email protected].
Give the Gift of Tennis!
Give the Gift of Tennis!
Holiday Packages are Available
3 one hour private lessons for $160
Lessons must be taken by March 31, 2018
Contact Susie at [email protected] to purchase
Interested in having your business advertised on a banner or in the newsletter? Run an ad in the newsletter for $25.00 per month or have a banner displayed on the tennis fence for $50.00 per month or advertise for several months. Advance payment for 5 months will include one month free, get 6 months for the cost of 5 months. Advanced payment for 9 months will include three months free, get 12 months for the cost of 9. Banner size requirement size is 8’x3′ with a white background. Banner must be preapproved by the Board.
*Please be aware of freezing temperatures this winter. The clay courts will be unplayable when there is frost or freezing temperatures. The property has been winterized, please bring your own drinking water to the courts*
Weekly Tennis Events
(No Clinics December 18-29)
Junior Clinic 8u/10u ages 6-10 4:30pm-5:30pm
Junior Clinic ages 11 and up 5:30pm-6:30pm
Men’s night every Monday 6:00pm-10:00pm
Co-Ed Doubles Clinic 7pm-8pm
Advanced junior clinic 5pm-6pm
Junior Clinic 8u/10u ages 6-10 4:30pm-5:30pm
Junior Clinic ages 11 and up 5:30pm-6:30pm
Ladies doubles strategy 2.5-3.0 9am-10:30am
Ladies doubles strategy 3.5 10:30am-12pm
Ladies doubles strategy 2.5-3.0 9am-10:30am
Ladies doubles strategy 3.5 10:30am-12pm
Ladies night every Thursday 7:00pm-10:00pm
Tennis pavilion hours are 8:00am-10:00pm. The property gates are unlocked at 8:00am and locked at 10:00pm daily. If you would like to rent the tennis pavilion please contact the office for pricing.
*Please remember that children need to be supervised at the tennis pavilion if they are ages 10 and under. Appropriate tennis attire must be worn on the courts.*