We hope you all are having a great start to the New Year! It can be quiet around the club this time of year, especially with the weather we have had the past few weeks, however it won’t be long before it’s time to open the pool and fill up the tennis courts! The Board continues to stay busy to ensure the club is ready for opening day on May 12. We are receiving renewal payments from current members and we have been able to accept some new members! Please remember our renewal deadline is March 1. Payments made after March 1 will incur a late fee of $50. If we do not receive renewal payments by March 15 memberships will be terminated. We don’t want anyone to lose their membership at this great club!
Please be aware that as temperatures drop the soft courts freeze at night and thaw during the day. They are unplayable until they dry completely. When they are questionable please use the hard courts. The water fountain and ice machine have been winterized, you will want to bring water with you to stay hydrated on the courts.
Office Notes
If you have not received your Annual Dues statement, please email[email protected] and let us know so we can get one out to you. Annual Dues for 2018 are $725.00 and payable by March 1, 2018. If you pay your membership by January 1, 2018 you will receive a $30.00 discount. You may pay your membership via PayPal CLICK HERE. If you prefer to pay by check please mail your payment to Windyrush 6441 Windyrush Road 28226.
If you are not renewing your membership, please contact Phyllis Smith at [email protected].
The Windyrush dumpster is for staff use only. The property is monitored by security cameras. People who use the dumpster will receive a fine of $50.
Interested in Lifeguarding at Windyrush?
Contact our pool management company, Swim Club Management Group (SCMG) by visiting their website at www.lifeguardcharlotte.com
Check In
Interested in working at the welcome desk to check in members and guests this summer? We are looking for an adult attendant (age 18+) to work Friday through Sunday and holidays from 11am-7pm. If you are interested please contact Phyllis Smith at [email protected] for an application.
Spring Tennis Clinics
will be held March 5th – May 17th
CLICK HERE to view the Spring schedule.
***No classes April 2-6, Spring Break***
Depending on class enrollment, class time may change. Must have at least 4 children enrolled to run class.
(Non-member fees are $25/class)
USTA League starts next month!
Many of you have enjoyed my Training Camp format before. I am offering an abbreviated version for Women playing on 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 day and evening teams.
WHO: Coached by Susie Brown
WHERE: Windyrush Country Club
WHAT: Clinics focused on sharpening your shot making and strategy skills with a pro-player ratio no more than 6:1.
WHY: To get ready for the season!!!
HOW: Check the schedule below and find your clinic time and day.
The more clinics you attend the lower the price per clinic. Sign up is first come first serve and limiting 6 players to my court. Sign up at[email protected] and give me the days and times you will be attending. If you have friends that did not receive this email please feel free to share it with them.
COSTS: Weekday and Evening clinics $25 per clinic if you attend fewer than 4 clinics. $20 per clinic if you attend 4 or more clinics. The Saturday clinics are 2 hours long and are $28 per clinic if you have attended 4 clinics or $32 per clinic if you attend fewer than 4 clinics throughout the two week training camp.
Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel PLEASE let me know at least 48 hours if at all possible so I can fill your spot.
Payment: You may pay with cash, check or PayPal (use friends and family option please). Please pay each time you attend rather than in advance. The weather can be an issue.
I look forward to the opportunity to help you and your team to get off to a great start this season!!!
Interested in having your business advertised on a banner or in the newsletter? Run an ad in the newsletter for $25.00 per month or have a banner displayed on the tennis fence for $50.00 per month or advertise for several months. Advance payment for 5 months will include one month free, get 6 months for the cost of 5 months. Advanced payment for 9 months will include three months free, get 12 months for the cost of 9. Banner size requirement size is 8’x3′ with a white background. Banner must be preapproved by the Board.