We would like to thank Todd Leahy for volunteering his time over the past 6 years serving on the Windyrush Board. He served the past 4 years as the board President. Prior to that he served as treasurer for two years. We really appreciate everything he has done for Windyrush. Todd has recently picked up his racquet, joined John’s Tuesday evening tennis clinics and picks up a few games on the weekends. He is going to enjoy his time off the board on the courts this fall and winter.
Our Annual Membership Meeting was held this past Monday, November 9 at Hope Community Church. Thank you to those who voted online for the Board candidates. We are excited to introduce our 2021-2023 Board of Directors: President Mike Waleski, Secretary Leigh Howell, At-Large Socials Kelli Green, At-Large Men’s Tennis Representative Grant McMasters, and At-Large Marketing Barry Reeves! Below is a recap of this year’s meeting.
Yearly renewal invoices were emailed November 1. The system shows a due date of November 3, please ignore this date. Membership dues for 2021 are $870.00 and payable by March 1, 2021. If you pay your membership dues by January 1, 2021 you will receive a $50.00 discount. This discount does not apply to tennis membership or senior memberships. Payments made after March 1, 2021 will incur a $50.00 late fee. If memberships are notrenewed by March 15, 2021 they will be automatically terminated. Due to our current waiting list, we have a strict deadline. You may pay your membership via the QuickBooks link that was emailed or PayPal link Full Membership Early Dues. If you prefer to pay by check please mail your payment to Windyrush 6441 Windyrush Road 28226. Senior Dues We offer a special incentive if you are age 65 and older and have been a current member of Windyrush for 15 plus years. You are eligible to pay 50% of the current yearly dues. Please respond to this email if you qualify for a senior membership. Click on the PayPal link Senior Dues Payment for payment. Tennis Membership Dues Membership dues for 2021 are $575.00 and payable by March 1, 2021. If you pay your membership fee by January 1, 2021 you will receive a $20.00 discount. You may pay with a credit card through QuickBooks or by clicking on the PayPal link Tennis Early Dues Payment. If you are not renewing your membership please email Phyllis Smith at[email protected] and let her know so your spot can be given to someone on the waiting list. |
Tennis Membership initiation fee is $575 plus yearly dues of $575.00. If you know someone interested in joining please have them email[email protected] for a membership application. Tennis Pavilion Hours: Tennis pavilion hours are 8:00am-10:00pm. Property gates are unlocked at 8:00am and locked at 10:00pm daily. Tennis Pavilion Rental Looking for a place to host an outdoor party? The tennis pavilion is a great place to rent! Click here for Tennis Pavilion Rental Form and return it to[email protected]. *Please remember that children need to be supervised at the tennis pavilion if they are ages 10 and under. Appropriate tennis attire must be worn on the courts. Trash needs to be thrown away and cushions and chairs need to be returned to the proper locations.* **Children should not be on the courts unless they are playing tennis. Children should NEVER be on the pavilion roof. Please let a staff member know if children are not following the rules. Tennis Court Reservations Reserve your court time at www.reservemycourt.com The facility code is 6441 Tennis Guest Fees Guests must be accompanied by a member. Guest fees are $5.00 per guest. Please leave your guest fee payments in the box on the clay court entrance marked “Guest Fees”. Interested in using the ball machine? Contact Joni Smith instructions at [email protected]. Yearly fee is $20. Weekly Tennis Clinics: Mondays Men’s night every Monday 6:00pm-10:00pm Evening Co-ed Beginner Clinic/Back to Tennis Clinic 7pm-8:30pm Tuesdays Ladies doubles strategy clinic 9:30am-10:30am Teen Night Tennis ages 13-16 5:30pm-7:00pm Men’s Cardio Combo Clinic 7:00pm-8:30pm Wednesdays-Junior Clinics 4:30pm-5:30pm ages 7-9 5:30pm-6:30pm ages 10-11 5:30pm-6:30pm ages 12-13 Adult Co-ed Drills & Skills 7:00pm-8:30pm Thursdays Ladies night every Thursday 7:00pm-10:00pm For private lesson or clinic information contact John Trimp atjohn@trimptennis.com. |
Interested in having your business advertised on a banner or in the newsletter? Run an ad in the newsletter for $25.00 per month or have a banner displayed on the tennis fence for $50.00 per month or advertise for several months. Advance payment for 5 months will include one month free, get 6 months for the cost of 5 months. Advanced payment for 9 months will include three months free, get 12 months for the cost of 9. Banner size requirement size is 8’x3′ with a white background. Banner must be preapproved by the Board. |
*Board minutes are attached.
June 2020 Board of Director Meeting Minutes
July 2020 Board of Director Meeting Minutes
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