Tennis and Pickleball at Windyrush
We have 4 clay courts, 2 hard courts plus 2 permanently painted pickleball lined courts with 2 portable nets. All courts have lights for evening play! Amenities include a backboard, ball machine, shaded court benches, observation deck and covered seating area with a flat screen TV for viewing your favorite sports. Court hours are 8:00am-10:00pm. Coach Christian and Coach George of Heroe's Tennis Academy offer clinics and private lessons for all levels of play plus Junior programs and summer tennis camp.
To register for our ball machine use and instructions email

Online Court Reservations
Our tennis court reservations are being handled online with RMC. This service will allow you to check on court availability and make reservations from the internet or via a toll-free telephone number. All court reservations are handled through this system.
Court Reservation RMC - LinkCurrent Users - Link
Instructions for New Users - Link
New Site Questions and Answers - Link
New Site How To Videos - Link
Questions? Email Support
Please be aware that all leagues may have reasonable limits on the length of reservations or on how far in advance they can reserve courts. We will input all league schedules in
Tennis Leagues
Ladies QCTL Thursday and Saturday mornings
Ladies QCTL Tuesdays 55+
Men’s QCTL Saturday Mornings
Men's USTA Wednesday Evenings
Inter Club Teams
Information regarding ladies tennis leagues
email Joni Smith
Information regarding men’s leagues
email Dan Holden.
Guest Fees
Tennis and Pickleball Guests MUST be accompanied by a member. It is the members responsibility to pay for their guest. Tennis guest fees and pickleball guest fees are $5.00 per person. Fees may be placed in the Guest Fee box located on the clay court gate entrance or scan the QRcode located on the box for PayPal payment.
Tennis Pavilion Rental

Are you looking for a place to host a party?
The tennis pavilion can be rented by contacting the office at [email protected]